Luke 14:34-35
Which Parable is this from? : For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.'
| Vineyard workers | Children in market | Unclean spirit | Rich fool |
What does the law say to do when you see a bird in its nest?
| Kill all the birds | Kill only the mother bird | Make an offering with the mother bird | Let the mother bird go free |
What does the shepherd of the lost sheep do once he realises one is missing?
| Goes and looks for it | Waits up all night for it to return | Abandons it and goes home | Reports it to his master |
In the parable of the lost sheep how does the shepherd bring the found sheep home?
| Follows it home | On a rope | In a cart | On his shoulders |
What metaphor does Job use to describe his search for death?
| He seeks it like hidden treasure | He waits for it like a watchman waits for dawn | He hunts for it like wild game | He calls for it like a shepherd calls sheep |
Why were the sons of the prophets cutting down trees when they lost the axe head in the river?
| To build a bigger dwelling place | To build a raft | For firewood | To build a dam |
Who reformed the temple and the religion of the land as a result of the High Priest finding a lost book of the Law?
| Josiah | Jehoahaz | Ahaziah | Amon |
How many silver coins did the woman have in the parable of the lost coin?
| Five | Twelve | Ten | One Hundred |
In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd count safely into the fold only to find one missing?
| 99 | 100 | 49 | 50 |
Which priest lost his ability to talk because he didn't believe an angel's prophecy?