Exo 34:22 - About the month of May.
How many days were there between the Sabbath before the Feast of Firstfuits and the Feast of Weeks?
| 50 | 12 | 30 | 90 |
With what stage of the moon cycle does the Feast of Trumpets coincide?
| Full | Half | New | Quarter |
What did the disciples receive at the Feast of Weeks shortly after Jesus ascended to heaven?
| Bags of money | Holy Spirit | Orders for their arrest | New cloaks |
How many year old male lambs were to be used as a peace offering during the Feast of Weeks?
| Two | Seven | Twelve | One |
Which major feast coincided with the wheat harvest?
| Tabernacles | Passover | Pentecost | Firstfruits |
To what does the "seventy weeks" prophecy refer?
| The coming of the Messiah | The fall of Jerusalem | The Kingdom of God | The destruction of Babylon |
At the beginning of which harvest did Naomi and Ruth go to Bethlehem?
| Grape | Rye | Barley | Wheat |
Which other harvest did Ruth glean in?
| Olive harvest | Wheat harvest | Maize harvest | Grape harvest |
Who did the chief men go to visit in the Cave of Adullam during harvest time?
| David | Hezekiah | Hosea | Elijah |
Who said "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few"?
| Boaz | Peter | Paul | Jesus |