Day of Atonement
Lev 16 - This was the only day of the year that the High Priest could enter.
What was the only day of the year on which the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies?
| Pentecost | Atonement | Passover | Tabernacles |
On which day of the year could the High Priest enter the Holiest Place, the inner most part of the temple where the covenant box was kept?
| Feast of Tabernacles | Passover | Easter Sunday | Day of Atonement |
The apostles received the Holy Spirit at the Feast of Passover
| False | True |
Which high priest is Zechariah told to crown?
| Hilkiah | Joshua | Zadok | Eliashib |
Christ was led away to which high priest first?
| Annas | Josephus | Caiaphas | Vitellius |
Jesus was a high priest after the order of which ancient king, mentioned in Psalm 110?
| Asa | Melchizedek | Jehoshaphat | David |
When the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest, at what time of day did the angel release them?
| Night | Dawn | Sunset | Midday |
What is the first jewel to be listed that was on the high priest's breast plate?
| Topaz | Jasper | Jacinth | Sardius |
Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?
| Pontius Pilate | Justus | Julius | Annas |
Who reformed the temple and the religion of the land as a result of the High Priest finding a lost book of the Law?
| Amon | Ahaziah | Jehoahaz | Josiah |