A rod
Micah 5:1 - There was nothing much more insulting than for a ruler or king to be hit across the face with his own rod (or sceptre - same Hebrew word that is used for shepherd's rod)
With what does Micah say the people build up Zion?
| Blood | False prophecy | Lies | Corruption |
In the age to come what does Micah say swords will be beaten in to?
| Mattocks | Sickles | Plowshares | Pruninghooks |
In Micah, where does he say the flock of God's heritage will graze?
| Hebron & Carmel | Bashan & Gilead | Megiddo & the plain of Sharon | Edom & the plains of Moab |
Where does Micah say God will cast all our sins?
| Behind his back | Out of the earth | Depths of the sea | Bottomless pit |
What was unusual about the 700 Benjamite soldiers who could sling a stone and hit their target every time?
| They were all left-handed | They were all blind | They all had red hair | They were all women |
The soldiers hit Jesus over the head with a stick?
| False | True |
Under the Mosaic law, what was the punishment for someone who hit their father?
| Imprisonment | Flogging | Exile | Death |
Who was hit on the head with a millstone thrown by a woman?
| Jehoram | Ahaziah | Abimelech | Eli |
Who was the first judge of Israel?
| Othniel | Gideon | Ehud | Samson |