Lighting a fire
1 Kings 18
After Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, what other ritual did the prophets try to gain Baal's attention?
| Danced around the altar | Sang hymns | Beat their chests with sticks | Cut themselves with knives |
How many prophets of the goddess Asherah were called to Mt Carmel for Elijah's sacrificial challenge to the prophets of Baal?
| 550 | 450 | 400 | 500 |
After the prophets of Baal were killed, to where did Elijah run to escape the death threat from Jezebel?
| Hebron | Beersheba | Shiloh | Megiddo |
What message did Elijah give to Ahaziah concerning his future for inquiring of a false god?
| Flesh would be eaten by dogs | Would be stabbed by his servant | Would never get out of bed alive | Plague would strike him and his family |
After the first king of Israel failed God, what was the name of the second king anointed?
| David | Jonathan | Solomon | Abijah |
What restriction did God place on Satan during the first test of Job?
| Do not harm Job’s children | Do not lay a finger on Job himself | Do not touch Job’s flocks | Do not take Job’s land |
What restriction did God place on Satan during the second test?
| Do not give Job any comfort | Do not touch Job’s family | Do not harm Job’s wealth | Do not take Job’s life |
Who did Jesus pray for that his faith failed not?
| Peter | James | John | Judas |
What was Satan doing before God permitted him to test Job?
| Visiting Job | Tormenting the wicked | Roaming throughout the earth | Resting in the wilderness |