They were swallowed up by the earth
Num 16:1-35
According to Proverbs, how do those seeking death acquire their wealth?
| By gambling | By begging | By stealing | By lying |
What did Jesus tell his disciples to sell their cloaks for if they didn't already have one?
| Map | Sword | Knapsack | Staff |
Where was Jesus when he said "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest"?
| Galilee | Jordan | Samaria | Decapolis |
Under the Law, for how long was a newly wed man free from public duties?
| 1 Month | 1 Year | 6 Months | 7 Years |
Eliphaz claims that God performs wonders that are beyond what?
| Human sight | Human desire | Human strength | Human understanding |
How did the king's captain die after the siege of Samaria ended, just as Elisha had said it would?
| Eaten by wild bears | Trampled to death | Poisoned | Fell from city wall |
What feature of the altar did Joab grab when seeking sanctuary?
| Steps | Horns | Lion's face | Wings |
To what country did he family escape to after they were warned of the death threat to Jesus?
| Phoenicia | Syria | Egypt | Edom |