Haggai 1 - Haggai, along with Zechariah, was a prophet who encouraged the returned exiles to rebuild the temple.
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
| Amos | Joel | Obadiah | Haggai |
Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?
| Artaxerxes | Sheshbazzar | Cyrus | Darius |
After Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, what other ritual did the prophets try to gain Baal's attention?
| Cut themselves with knives | Beat their chests with sticks | Sang hymns | Danced around the altar |
How many prophets of the goddess Asherah were called to Mt Carmel for Elijah's sacrificial challenge to the prophets of Baal?
| 500 | 550 | 450 | 400 |
Which of these Old Testament prophets lived during the reign of King Josiah?
| Micah | Jeremiah | Amos | Malachi |
What phrase is repeated at the end of each creation day to signify its completion?
| And it was so | And there was evening, and there was morning | Let there be light | It was good |
After the prophets of Baal were killed, to where did Elijah run to escape the death threat from Jezebel?
| Shiloh | Beersheba | Megiddo | Hebron |
Nicodemus helped prepare the body of Jesus for burial?
| False | True |
Joseph helped interpret the dreams of a farmer and a baker while in prison?
| True | False |