And forgive us our debts
Matthew 6:11-12
In the Lord's prayer, what follows the line "Hallowed be thy name"?
| Lead us not into temptation | Thy kingdom come | Give us this day our daily bread | Thy will be done in earth |
What is the first line of the Lord's Prayer?
| Our Father which art in heaven | Lord we praise your holy name | Father hear the prayer we offer | Lord God Almighty who art above all other |
Which Psalm describes how well the Lord knows man, starting with the line, "O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me"?
| Psalm 139 | Psalm 149 | Psalm 119 | Psalm 129 |
According to the Psalmist, 'the entrance of thy words giveth _____". What's the next word?
Who wrote this line "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want"?
| King Solomon | Moses | King David | Aspah |
"The Lord is my Shepherd", is the opening line to which Psalm?
| Psalm 23 | Psalm 50 | Psalm 1 | Psalm 119 |
Who was Jesus talking to when he taught the Lord's prayer?
| Multitudes | Pharisees | John and Peter only | Disciples |