Matthew 26:31
How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
| Four | Two | Three | One |
To whose servant did Peter deny knowing Jesus for a third time?
| Centurion's | Pontius Pilate's | Caesar's | High Priest's |
Who when accused of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him, three times?
| Paul | Barnabas | Peter | A Roman centurion |
When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone, what was Jesus' reply?
| Seventy times seven | Until you no longer sin | Seven | You shouldn't forgive them |
Which disciple looked after Mary, after the death of Jesus?
| Peter | John | James | Simon |
Which disciple outran Peter to the tomb of Jesus?
| James | John | Thomas | Judas |
Which disciple tried to walk on water, as Jesus was doing?
| John | James | Judas | Peter |
Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
| Judas Iscariot | Andrew | Bartholomew | Thomas |
Which disciple brought the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes to Jesus?
| Peter | John | James | Andrew |