Acts 13:2 - Paul and Barnabas went on the first journey, Paul and Silas on the second (and later Timothy).
During Paul's first missionary journey, who left Paul and Barnabas to return to Jerusalem?
Who went with Paul on his first missionary journey?
| Barnabas | Mark | Silas | Stephen |
Who did Paul take with him on his first journey?
| Timothy | Titus | John Mark | Lucius |
How many missionary journeys did Paul undertake before his journey to Rome?
| 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
Paul and Silas were imprisoned during the second missionary journey, but in what city did this happen?
| Antioch | Philippi | Paphos | Troas |
During Paul's third missionary journey, roughly for how long did he minister in the school of Tyrannus at Ephesus?
| 2 years | 1 year | 6 months | 3 months |
On which island did Paul preach on his first journey?
| Rhodes | Cyprus | Cos | Crete |
On Paul's journey to Rome, at what location did he meet brethren whom he thanked God for?
| Appii forum | Malta | Syracuse | Rome |
What was the name of the centurion who looked after Paul on the journey to Rome?
| Julius | Tertius | Augustus | Quartus |