With fear and trembling
Philippians 2:12
Who does Paul tell the Corinthians will be the last enemy to be destroyed by Christ?
| Babylon | Sin | Satan | Death |
Paul said our faith is worthless if what didn't happen?
| Raising of Jesus | Exodus of the Jews | Gift of the Holy Spirit | Birth of Jesus |
How did Paul say we should let our requests be made known to God?
| By thanking God for all our blessings first | By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving | With hearts full of thankfulness | By praise, worship and thanksgiving |
What did Joseph Barnabas sell to raise money for God's work?
| Field | Horse | House | Flock of sheep |
In the parable of the labourers in the vineyard how much was each person paid to work?
| 10 pence | 50 pence | 1 pence | 100 pence |
The Prodigal Son was hired to work as a shepherd
| False | True |
Where does Micah say God will cast all our sins?
| Bottomless pit | Behind his back | Out of the earth | Depths of the sea |
Who did an angel stop from sacrificing his own son on a mountain in Moriah?
| Joshua | Adam | Abraham | David |
How long did it take Solomon to build his own house?
| 13 years | 20 years | 7 years | 10 years |