Take no thought for it
To whom did Jesus say "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God"?
| John | Nicodemus | Peter | Nathanael |
What sin does Jesus say is unforgivable?
| Theft | Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit | Greed | Murder |
Who does Jesus say are the two most important people to love?
| God and your spouse | Your spouse and your children | God and your neighbour | Your spouse and your parents |
Which bird does Jesus say we have more value than?
| Eagle | Turtle dove | Sparrow | Raven |
What does Jesus say someone who wants to follow him must do?
| Read the scriptures daily, and apply them to your life | Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him | Leave friends and family behind and sell all their possessions | Have a righteous heart and mind, and do the will of his Father |
In the Sermon on the Mount to who does Jesus say God is kind
| The unthankful and the evil | The ungrateful and the lascivious | Those who thank him for their blessings | The lowly, meek and thankful |
How many wise men does the Bible say came to visit Jesus?
| Two | It doesn't say | Three | Four |
What does Jesus say is of no use if it has lost its taste?
| Wormwood | Leaven | Salt | Wine |
What does Jesus say that the meek shall inherit?
| The Throne of God | The earth | The Treasure of Heaven | Everlasting life |