2 Sam 2:8-11 - Even though Saul had died David still wasn't able to become king of Israel
After the first king of Israel failed God, what was the name of the second king anointed?
| Solomon | Abijah | David | Jonathan |
For how long did David reign over Judah before he became king of Israel?
| Six months | Twelve days | Seven and a half years | Three years |
Which prophet anointed David as king?
| Amos | Samuel | Elijah | Isaiah |
Which Queen was the granddaughter of King Omri of Israel and mother of King Ahaziah of Judah?
| Jezebel | Makeda | Athaliah | Hadara |
Which king of Judah was married to the daughter of the king of Israel?
| Azariah | Jehoram | Manasseh | Ahaz |
Israel split into two kingdoms after the reign of King Solomon, with Israel in the north, but what was the name of the southern kingdom?
| Philistia | Judah | Edom | Syria |
Which king of Judah was taken into exile after witnessing the deaths of his sons, before then being blinded?
| Jehoiakim | Jehoiachin | Zedekiah | Pekahiah |
Who "wailed like the dragons" and "mourned like the owls" in his lament of the coming judgement on Israel and Judah?
| Joel | Micah | Hosea | Malachi |
Who is the only woman we hear of reigning as queen regnant in Israel or Judah?
| Bathsheba | Hephzibah | Jezebel | Athaliah |
How does David refer to the tribe of Judah in the Psalms?
| His triumph | His lawgiver | The strength of his head | His washpot |