2 Ki 8:15
Children in the region of what age were to be killed, in the hope that Jesus would also be killed?
| 6 months and under | 2 years and under | 1 year and under | 3 years and under |
Who killed Agag?
| Samuel | David | Jonathan | Saul |
Complete the quote: "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his ___"
| Millions | Hundreds | Tens of thousands | Hundreds of thousands |
Who climbed into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion?
| Eliahba | Benaiah | Zalmon | Helez |
Which man killed a lion with his bare hands?
| Samson | Jacob | Esau | David |
In a battle against the Syrians, what killed 27,000 of them in the city of Aphek?
| A deadly plague | An army of angels | An erupting mountain | A wall fell on them |
How was Naboth killed?
| Stoned | Hanged | Stabbed | Burnt |
To which country did Mary and Joseph escape to when Herod killed all the babies in Bethlehem?
| Ammon | Moab | Egypt | Edom |
Who killed a lion in a cistern on a snowy day?
| Uriah | Samson | Benaniah | David |
After the prophets of Baal were killed, to where did Elijah run to escape the death threat from Jezebel?
| Hebron | Beersheba | Shiloh | Megiddo |