Rev 3:14-16
Which church did Jesus accuse of being lukewarm?
| Philadelphia | Thyatira | Sardis | Laodicea |
The desolation of which city is described in Revelation chapter 18?
| Sodom | Capernaum | Tyre | Babylon |
The Jews in which city were described as receiving the word with all readiness of mind and searching the scriptures daily?
| Apollonia | Neapolis | Troas | Berea |
In the New Jerusalem described in Revelation, what are the twelve gates made from?
| Gold | Glass | Bronze | Pearl |
Who is the only woman who was described as being both beautiful and intelligent?
| Sarah | Martha | Abigail | Mary |
In Revelation, John saw four chariots being pulled by horses
| False | True |
The bodies of believers were raised and then came out of the graves after the resurrection of Jesus?
| True | False |
In Revelation, how many angels were given trumpets?
| Five | Two | Eleven | Seven |
In Revelation, how many people from each tribe were "sealed"?
| 12,000 | 24,000 | 144,000 | 6,000 |
Why do believers need not worry about those Christians which have died?
| Jesus will welcome them into the kingdom | They will be raised to life again | They will be transformed into angels | They are assured of a place in heaven |