Matt 14:17-21
Jesus used two loaves and five fishes to feed the 4,000
| True | False |
Jesus took ____ loaves and two fishes to feed the 5,000
How many loaves did Jesus use to feed the 4,000?
How many men did the twenty loaves from the man from Baal-Shalishah feed?
| 1000 | 50 | 100 | 5000 |
With what did Jesus feed 5,000 people?
| 10 olives and 2 figs | 2 loaves of bread and 5 fishes | 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes | 1 loaf of bread and 7 fishes |
At the feeding of the 5,000, how many fish did they have?
| 2 | 4 | 8 | 6 |
What part of a donkey did Samson used to kill 1,000 Philistines?
| Hind leg | Hoof | Jawbone | Rib |
The clothes of Jesus were divided among the soldiers five ways?
| True | False |
How many loaves of bread were to be left on the table in the Tabernacle?
| 40 | 6 | 1 | 12 |
Who were the only two Israelites who left Egypt and were allowed to enter the Promised Land?
| Moses and Aaron | Moses and Joshua | Aaron and Miriam | Joshua and Caleb |