Num 22:21 - It was a donkey, not a camel
Who prevented a war when he said "you should not fight against your brothers" to Rehoboam?
| Shoham | Shemaiah | Shallum | Samlah |
In which book would you find the record of Balaam and his donkey?
| Numbers | Ecclesiastes | Ruth | 1 Chronicles |
Which king wanted Balaam to curse the children of Israel?
| Balak | David | Hadad | Debir |
What animal did Balaam strike with a stick?
| Goat | Sheep | Donkey | Ox |
What animal spoke to Balaam?
| Donkey | Sheep | Camel | Raven |
What is it easier for a camel to go through than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
| The gates of Jerusalem | An ear of corn | Eye of a needle | A thimble |
Complete the saying: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than......."
| For an ant to climb a mountain | For a poor man to receive honour | For a rich man to enter the kingdom of God | It is to find water in the desert |
What is more difficult than a camel going through the eye of a needle?
| A harlot entering the Kingdom of God | A rich man entering the Kingdom of God | An illiterate man entering the Kingdom of God | A drunkard entering the Kingdom of God |
The wicked are likened to a deaf camel
| True | False |