Luke 17 - Only one returned
Out of the ten lepers who Jesus healed, how many came back to say thank you?
| One | Three | Two | None |
Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one who returned to thank him?
| Samaritan | Assyrian | Jew | Roman |
What did Jesus command the group of lepers to do after he healed them?
| Proclaim it to all | Wash in the Pool of Siloam | Tell no one | Show themselves to the priest |
Fill in the missing number : Aeneas was bedridden for ____ years before Peter came and healed him.
What happened to the prophet from Judah who was led to disobey God when a prophet from Bethel lied to him saying he was allowed to come back and share a meal with him?
| Attacked and killed by a robber | Crushed by a falling oak tree | Struck by lightning | Killed by a lion |
In the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, what did the Pharisee thank God for?
| For all his material possessions | For his family and friends | That he was not sinful like other men | That he was able to keep God's law daily |
Who does Paul thank God for because their faith and love grew exceedingly?
| The Galatians | The Ephesians | The Thessalonians | The Corinthians |
How long had the man at the pool of Bethesda been ill for, before Jesus healed him?
| 5 years | 40 years | 38 years | 12 years |
The clothes of Jesus were divided among the soldiers five ways?
| True | False |
As Jesus entered a village while going between Samaria and Galilee, how many lepers did he meet?
| Eighteen | Seven | Ten | Four |