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How did King Zimri commit suicide?
| Burned his house down while still inside it | Threw himself under a chariot | Locked himself in a room with no food or water | Thrust his hand in the hole of a poisonous snake |
Name a king of Judah who reigned for more than fifty years
Seven fat and seven thin of what animals appeared to Pharoah in Egypt?
| Horses | Goats | Sheep | Cattle |
What did God rain down on the Amorite army as they passed through Beth-Horon, killing more of them than the Israelite army did?
| Quails | Hailstones | Boiling rain | Fire and brimstone |
For how many successive years did the crops fail during the time when Joseph reigned in Egypt?
| Ten | Two | Twelve | Seven |
To which region did Moses flee after killing the Egyptian?
| Midian | Libya | Edom | Goshen |
Why did Job’s friends sit with him in silence for seven days?
| They wanted to respect his mourning | They were unsure of what to say | They saw how great his suffering was | They were observing a religious tradition |
How many times did Elijah stretch himself over the widow's dead son before he was revived?
| Two | Four | One | Three |
Who hid himself in a field while the king ate a feast at new moon?
| David | Micah | Ezekiel | Jeremiah |