Acts 27:37,44 - none of them drowned.
On which night of the storm did the sailors try to escape in the ship's boat from the ship that Paul was soon to be shipwrecked in?
| 3rd | 1st | 14th | 7th |
On what island was Paul shipwrecked as he made his way to Rome?
| Crete | Cyprus | Malta | Rhodes |
Which army drowned in the Red Sea as they chased the Israelites?
| Amalekites | Egyptians | Assyrians | Philistines |
Which of the writer's mentioned fellowlabourers accompanied him on a ship bound for Rome?
| Mark | Aristarchus | Lucas | Demas |
What was Jonah doing on the ship while the storm was raging?
| Praying | Hiding in the kitchen | Reading | Sleeping |
What did the ship's crew do once the storm had ceased?
| Ate a great feast | They made sacrifices to God | Tried to rescue Jonah | Set sail for home |
Where did the prophet Jonah go to find a ship to Tarshish?
| Nineveh | Zarephath | Joppa | Dor |
Castor and Pollux were used as the figureheads for a ship
| False | True |
Which gods did the people of Lystra think Paul and Barnabas were?
| Apollo and Mars | Saturn and Janus | Pluto and Bacchus | Jupiter and Mercury |