1 Sam 17:40
David chose six stones from the stream when he fought Goliath
| True | False |
How many smooth stones did David take from the brook?
| One | Seven | Five | Two |
Other than his shepherd's pouch, sling and stones what else did David take with him to face Goliath?
| Shepherd's Staff | Bow & Arrows | Spear | Sword |
Jesus chose ____ disciples to accompany him during his ministry
Which army challenged Israel to choose someone to fight against their champion, Goliath?
| Edomites | Philistines | Assyrians | Babylonians |
Who became weary and sat upon a stone while Amalek fought Israel?
| Moses | Hur | Aaron | Joshua |
Who was Paul writing to when he wrote "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith"?
| Titus | Philemon | James | Timothy |
What death awaited Sheba, son of Bicri, for revolting against King David?
| Mauled by wild bears | Crushed by city walls | His head thrown from the city wall | Impaled on his own spear |
Which of David's sons rebelled against him and stole the hearts of Israel?
| Absalom | Adonijah | Solomon | Amnon |