Jon 1:17
It rained for ____ days and nights causing a great flood in the time of Noah
How long was Jonah stuck inside the great fish?
| 1 month | 1 day | 1 week | 3 days |
Fill in the missing name : Then _____ prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly
Jesus spent ____ days and nights in the wilderness being tempted
How many days and nights did it rain for in the story of Noah's Ark?
| 24 | 48 | 40 | 50 |
Daniel spent three days and nights in the lions' den
| False | True |
Complete the quote: "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his ___"
| Tens of thousands | Millions | Hundreds of thousands | Hundreds |
Complete the quote: "This people honours me with their ___ but their heart is far from me."
| Lips | Hands | Sacrifices | Ears |
Which overweight king of Moab was killed when a sword was thrust into his belly?
| Jabin | Jobab | Merom | Eglon |