Vineyard owner
Luke 20:9-18
Which Parable is this from? : Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.
| Budding fig tree | Watching servants | Leaven | Unclean spirit |
Which Parable is this from? : When it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad.
| Unjust steward | Net of fish | Unclean spirit | Sign of Jonah |
When Jesus sent out the twelve disciples to preach the Kingdom of God, what other activity were they also to carry out?
| Perfoming miracles | Teaching children | Speaking in tongues | Healing the sick |
Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, but what river did they also cross on dry ground?
Which of these also sent his greetings to Philemon?
| Nicolaus | Zebedee | Diotrephes | Epaphras |