Matt 27:63
Other than putting a stone in front of Jesus' tomb, what measure was taken to guard the tomb?
| None | Set traps | Set a guard to watch | Told no-one of the location |
Who was the first person to be resurrected by Jesus?
| The widow's son | Lazarus | The saints | Jairus' daughter |
How many men walked with the resurrected Jesus on the road to Emmaus?
| Seven | Two | Five | Eleven |
On what day of the week was Christ resurrected?
| 7th | 1st | 6th | 3rd |
Who went to the tomb of Jesus with Mary Magdalene and Mary (mother of James) to anoint Jesus?
| Joanna | Salome | Martha | Elizabeth |
The tomb that Jesus was buried in was owned by Joseph of Arimathea?
| False | True |
The tomb was guarded by two angels to stop the body of Jesus being stolen?
| False | True |
Which disciple outran Peter to the tomb of Jesus?
| John | Thomas | James | Judas |
What story were the soldiers told to tell to explain how Jesus disappeared from the tomb?
| The disciples stole him | He came back to life and walked away | The Sadducees stole him | He didn't actually die and escaped |