Bible Trivia Question

What did Jesus say the Pharisees tithed?

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| Moses | Elisha | Elijah | Jonah |

How many woes did Jesus pronounce on the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew's gospel?
| Nine | Seven | Five | Ten |

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| A penny | The scroll of Isaiah | A tax collectors bag | A handful of wheat |

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When Jesus forgave the sins of the sick man let down through the roof to him, to what did the Pharisees object?
| They objected to the multitudes around coming to be healed | They objected to the hole in the roof of the house | They thought only God could forgive sins | They thought Jesus should have healed the man rather than forgive his sins |

Why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said, "You cannot serve God and mammon,"?
| They wanted to draw attention away from Jesus | They were covetous | They disliked it when Jesus told parables | They were selfish |

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