Matthew 19:3 - Cunning in their attempts, but no match for the wisdom of Jesus. The Pharisees loved to be seen to be doing good works but were branded as hyprocites by Christ.
Which tribe of Israel looked after the religious aspects of life?
| Benjamin | Levi | Dan | Asher |
Which disciple tried to walk on water, as Jesus was doing?
| James | Judas | Peter | John |
The Queen of Sheba tested King David with hard questions
| True | False |
Which prophet tried to escape from preaching God's word in Nineveh
| Haggai | Micah | Nahum | Jonah |
Who tried to turn Sergius Paulus away from his faith?
| Nero | Phygelus | Diotrephes | Elymas |
Complete the quote: "This people honours me with their ___ but their heart is far from me."
| Lips | Ears | Hands | Sacrifices |
How many of the city's inhabitants could not "discern their left hand from their right hand"?
| 120,000 | 40,000 | 1,000 | 300,000 |
How did Adam and Eve attempt to cover their nakedness after their sin?
| They used animal skins. | They wove grass mats. | They sewed fig leaves together. | They hid behind trees. |
What did Jesus tell the twelve to shake off their feet if people refused to hear the gospel message?
| Feathers | Spiders | Dust | Hay |