Red Sea
Hebrews 11:29 - The Israelites crossed the Red Sea by faith, which was miraculously parted by God to allow them to escape the pursuing Egyptian army. This event is a pivotal moment in Israelite history and a profound act of divine deliverance.
At what town did God stop the waters of the Jordan as the Israelites crossed over on dry land?
| Eglon | Adam | Ashan | Jagur |
Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, but what river did they also cross on dry ground?
Which Book ...comes after Hebrews?
| James | Revelation | Philemon | 1 Peter |
On what day were dry land and seas created?
| Fifth | Third | Second | Fourth |
How long was it before Jonah reached dry land?
| 3 days | 2 days | 1 day | 4 days |
Where did Jonah go after reaching dry land?
| Jerusalem | Joppa | Nineveh | Damascus |
Who crossed the Jordan alone with only his staff?
| Abraham | Jacob | John the Baptist | Lot |
Which army drowned in the Red Sea as they chased the Israelites?
| Amalekites | Philistines | Egyptians | Assyrians |
What sea did the Israelites cross through to escape the Egyptians?
| Sea of Galilee | Red Sea | Black Sea | Dead Sea |