Galatians 2:20 - Paul is expressing the profound spiritual union between a Christian and Christ. This shows that they live in faith through Christ's presence within them.
According to Paul's letter to the Galatians, for what purpose did Jesus Christ give Himself?
| To condemn the sinners | To establish a new religion | To deliver us from this present evil world | To overthrow political powers |
What has Christ redeemed believers from, according to Paul's letter to the Galatians?
| Ignorance | The curse of the law | Political oppression | Disease |
In his letter to the Galatians, what does Paul say that believers have been called unto?
| Political authority | A life of solitude | Wealth and prosperity | Liberty |
Other than Galatians, which book begins with the letter 'G'?
Eliphaz states that God does what to the lowly?
| He tests them | He leaves them alone | He humbles them further | He lifts them up |
How many Fruits of the Spirit does Paul list in Galatians?
| Three | Four | Nine | Six |
According to Paul in Galatians, believers should "Walk in the _____, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
| Spirit | Light of the world | Way of the prophets | Path of righteousness |