God blessed them
Genesis 1:28 - After creating humans, God blessed them and then gave them commands to be fruitful and multiply.
What did God say to Noah, after the flood, would now be the food for humans, in addition to plants?
| Only animals that they could tame | Every moving thing that lives | Only birds and fish | Only clean animals |
What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark?
| House | Stable | Tabernacle | Altar |
What was the third thing God made on day four?
| Bats | Planets | Stars | Birds |
Who did God directly question first after the Fall?
| The serpent | Eve | Adam | The angels |
After the first king of Israel failed God, what was the name of the second king anointed?
| David | Jonathan | Abijah | Solomon |
Who did Mary suppose Jesus to be at first after the resurrection?
| Milkman | Farmer | Roman soldier | Gardener |
Who did Jesus appear to first after his resurrection?
| His mother, Mary | Joanna | Salome | Mary Magdalene |