Baked bricks
Genesis 11:3 - The builders used baked bricks and tar for mortar, a detail highlighting their technological advancement but also their reliance on human ingenuity rather than divine guidance.
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:, but which Old Testament book did this come from?
| Jeremiah | Ezekiel | Psalms | Isaiah |
Job says that his flesh is not made of what material, highlighting his fragility?
| Iron | Bronze | Gold | Clay |
In what region did the people settle before attempting to build the Tower of Babel?
| Shinar | Asia Minor | Canaan | Egypt |
What did God do to the language of the people at Babel?
| Destroyed it | Translated it | Simplified it | Confused it |
The Tower of Babel was destroyed by brimstone and fire from heaven
| True | False |
What was the primary reason for the building of the Tower of Babel?
| To protect against enemies | To honor God | To make a name for themselves | To study the stars |
What animals did the Philistines use to send back the Ark of the Covenant they had taken in battle to the Israelites?
| Cows | Donkeys | Mules | Ox |
What weapons did Gideon use to defeat the Midianites?
| Trumpets, pitchers and lamps | The ark of God and flaming torches | Swords and shields | Spears |
What weapon did David use to kill Goliath?
| Pea shooter | Sling and stone | Spear | Bow and arrow |
What part of Paul's clothing did Agabus use?
| Girdle | Coat | Sandal | Headdress |