Genesis 11:28 - Haran, the father of Lot, died in Ur of the Chaldeans, before the family left for Canaan, leaving Lot to be taken under Abram’s care.
Where did Terah intend to go when he left Ur with his family?
| Haran | Babel | Egypt | Canaan |
What city did Terah and his family settle in after leaving Ur?
| Canaan | Babel | Haran | Shinar |
How old was Terah when he died?
| 175 years | 400 years | 120 years | 205 years |
Which of these was not a son of Terah?
| Haran | Nahor | Shem | Abram |
What tragic news did the final messenger bring to Job before his family was later restored?
| Job's wife left him | Job was stricken with disease | Job's house was destroyed | All of Job’s children were killed |
What did Jesus hand to Judas before he left to betray him?
| A cup of wine | A piece of bread dipped in the dish | A piece of broiled fish | The money bag |
Jacob died before he could travel to Egypt and see Joseph again?
| False | True |
Which book of the Bible begins with The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.?
| Matthew | Genesis | Luke | Revelation |