Gen 43:29 - Joseph (Gen 30:24) and Benjamin (Gen 35:19) both born to Rachel, who died during giving birth to Benjamin.
Joseph was the youngest son of Jacob?
| False | True |
Who was the youngest child of Jacob?
| Benjamin | Issachar | Naphtali | Joseph |
What was David's job, as the youngest child in the family?
| Shepherd | Errand boy | Cleaner | Musician |
Which brother did Joseph imprison while the others returned to Jacob?
| Simeon | Judah | Reuben | Asher |
What was the name of Peter's brother?
| Lazarus | Matthew | James | Andrew |
What was the name of Moses' brother
| Jehoram | Aaron | Joshua | Amram |
What did Joseph's brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?
| Dipped his coat in the blood of a goat | Brought back a sandal and a broken staff | Said he had fallen into a pit | Said he had been taken captive and killed |