He lifts them up
Job 5:11 - Eliphaz describes God as one who lifts up those who are lowly, emphasizing the theme that God exalts the humble and brings down the proud.
In Paul's letter to the Galatians, he states,
| God | Christ | The Holy Spirit | The Church |
How many times does Eliphaz say God will deliver you before guaranteeing no harm in the final one?
| Five times, with no harm in the sixth | Six times, with no harm in the seventh | Seven times, with no harm in the eighth | Three times, with no harm in the fourth |
What does Eliphaz suggest about the fate of the innocent in his first speech?
| They suffer more to prove their faith | They are often forgotten | They do not perish | They are always prosperous |
What does Eliphaz say happens to the lion that perishes?
| Its strength is passed on | Its cubs are scattered | Its roar is forgotten | Its den is claimed by another |
In his vision, what does Eliphaz say came to him at night?
| A whirlwind | A voice | A dream | A spirit |
How does Job describe his grief when responding to Eliphaz?
| He says it is heavier than the sand of the seas | He says it is like fire burning inside him | He says it is as deep as the ocean | He says it is like a storm that cannot be calmed |
Eliphaz expresses doubt that God places full trust in whom?
| His servants | His prophets | His chosen people | His kings |
Eliphaz claims that God performs wonders that are beyond what?
| Human strength | Human desire | Human sight | Human understanding |
Eliphaz mentions that God saves the needy from what?
| The arrow of the wicked | The sword of their mouth | The flood of destruction | The trap of the hunter |
Eliphaz assures Job that if he turns to God, he will be in league with what?
| The waters of the deep | The stones of the field | The stars of the sky | The beasts of the forest |