Genesis 12:6-7 - Shechem becomes significant in later Biblical events, including being the site where Jacob’s family buries idols and where Joshua renews the covenant with Israel. It serves as a recurring place of covenantal significance.
What was Araunah's threshing floor to become the site of after David built an altar there?
| Sermon on the Mount | Battle of Armageddon | Crucifixion of Christ | Solomon's Temple |
What did Abram build in Canaan after God appeared to him and promised the land to his descendants?
| A vineyard | A memorial stone | A great tower | An altar to the Lord |
What sin stopped Moses from leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land?
| Hitting a rock twice | Blasphemy | Punching someone | Worshipping a golden calf |
What is described as entering through the windows "like a thief"?
| Sin | Locusts | Death | Darkness |
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
| Obadiah | Joel | Amos | Haggai |
Who built the first city?
| Lot | Nimrod | Jacob | Cain |
What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark?
| Altar | House | Stable | Tabernacle |
Which king in the Old Testament built the first temple in Jerusalem?
| Hezekiah | Solomon | David | Rehoboam |
Name two false gods of Canaan, to serve whom the Israelites "forsook the Lord"
| Chemosh and Milcom | Anubis and Ra | Baal and Ashtaroth | Dagon and Molech |