Jdg 16 - the well known story of Samson & Delilah, where Delilah persuaded Samson to reveal his source of strength.
Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
| Bartholomew | Andrew | Thomas | Judas Iscariot |
What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
| Bartholomew | Simon Peter | Judas Iscariot | Andrew |
Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty gold coins?
| True | False |
How many silver pieces would each Philistine lord give to Delilah if she betrayed Samson?
| 650 | 30 | 500 | 1100 |
In the house of which god did the Philistines place the Ark of the Covenant?
| Beelzebub | Molech | Ashteroth | Dagon |
Which king asked for the foreskins of 100 Philistines?
| Saul | Hezekiah | David | Solomon |
Which of these did the Philistines do to Samson?
| Cut his tongue out | Cut his fingers off | Broke his legs | Gouged his eyes out |
Which judge had a name meaning "the cutter down"?
| Barak | Gideon | Jephthah | Samson |
Which female judge described herself as "a mother in Israel"?
| Julia | Mary | Deborah | Rahab |