1 Ki 3:9 - and it pleased the Lord that he asked for such a thing (3:10)
For what gift did Solomon ask God?
| Riches | Wisdom | The life of his enemies | Honour |
What gift did Solomon ask of God?
| Forgiveness | Wisdom | Money | Wives |
When Joram, Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom consulted Elisha what did he ask to be brought?
| A musician | A donkey | A cup of water | Sandals |
Who did Ben-hadad, king of Aram, send to Elisha to ask about his sickness?
| Jezebel | Athaliah | Joram | Hazael |
Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn't at the king's table for the New Moon feast?
| He had gone to deliver an urgent message to his uncle | He was moving his flocks to new pastures | He was ill | He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering |
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to him on Mount Moriah?
| A ram | His wife | His only son | A turtledove |
Which city did God ask Jonah to go to?
| Nineveh | Joppa | Tarshish | Bethlehem |
What item does Gideon ask God to put dew on overnight while the earth around it remained dry?
| A linen cloth | A round cheese | A fleece of wool | A hide from a goat |
The beauty of which plant did Jesus compare to King Solomon?
| Palm Tree | Lilies | Myrtle | Daisies |