Solomon's Temple
2 Sam 24; 2 Chr 3:1
On whose threshing floor did God instruct David to build an altar?
| Othniel's | Araunah's | Naboth's | Hannah's |
What was Boaz doing at the threshing floor?
| Treading grapes | Winnowing barley | Making bread | Threshing grain |
Ruth first met Boaz on the threshing floor
| False | True |
What was the name of the place where Abram first stopped and built an altar after entering Canaan?
| Shechem | Bethel | Beersheba | Hebron |
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
| Joel | Amos | Haggai | Obadiah |
Which bird does Job say is lacking in wisdom, due to the fact she leaves her eggs on the floor?
| Cuckoo | Ostrich | Chicken | Emu |
Who built the first city?
| Cain | Lot | Jacob | Nimrod |
What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark?
| House | Stable | Tabernacle | Altar |