Foreign wives
1 Ki 11:1-4
Who asked the Lord to take away his life?
| Daniel | Elijah | Isaac | Hezekiah |
Why did Solomon turn away from God when he was old?
| He relied too much on his material blessings | His foreign wives turned his heart after other gods | The prophets of the Lord predicted destruction in the future | He was too busy to make time for God |
What tragic news did the final messenger bring to Job before his family was later restored?
| All of Job’s children were killed | Job's house was destroyed | Job was stricken with disease | Job's wife left him |
Who became blind when Paul visited him at Paphos because of his attempt to turn the ruler, Sergius Paulus, away from the Word of God?
| Herod | Agabus | Simeon | Elymas |
Who promised to give their daughters to Shechemites if they agreed to be circumcised, only to kill them instead three days later while they were still sore?
| The Levites | Sons of Jacob | Sons of David | The tribe of Judah |