Job 30:29 - Some newer versions render this as ostriches, but points to the mournful cry of either.
Who said "I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls"?
| Ishmael | Jeremiah | Elisha | Job |
Who "wailed like the dragons" and "mourned like the owls" in his lament of the coming judgement on Israel and Judah?
| Malachi | Joel | Micah | Hosea |
In which city shall owls hoot through the windows?
| Jericho | Babylon | Nineveh | Tyre |
Jacob's and Esau's families separated from each other as they had become too big for the land to support them?
| False | True |
What was Araunah's threshing floor to become the site of after David built an altar there?
| Battle of Armageddon | Crucifixion of Christ | Solomon's Temple | Sermon on the Mount |
According to John, which city will become a home for every unclean bird?
| Babylon | Jerusalem | Sodom | Nineveh |
Why did Moses' hand become leperous?
| He touched a leper | He disobeyed God | As a sign | He was cursed |
Which married couple did Paul become friends with at Corinth?
| Ananias and Sapphira | Jason and Lydia | Aquila and Priscilla | Peter and Mary |