Haman was the man who plotted against Esther and the Jews, but ended up hanged on his own gallows.
Which book of the Bible begins with The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.?
| Matthew | Genesis | Luke | Revelation |
In which gospel would you find... The Prodigal Son?
| Mark | Luke | John | Matthew |
In which gospel would you find... The Widow's Son?
| John | Luke | Mark | Matthew |
In which book would you find the record of Balaam and his donkey?
| Ecclesiastes | 1 Chronicles | Ruth | Numbers |
In the parable of the prodigal son, what portion would the son receive?
| 2/3 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/2 |
Which king gave Haman permission to destroy the Jews?
| Ahab | Abimelech | Sennacherib | Ahasuerus |
In which gospel would you find... The "Wise Men"?
| Luke | Matthew | John | Mark |
In which gospel would you find... The Woman at the Well in Samaria?
| Matthew | Mark | Luke | John |
In which gospel would you find... The Rich Fool?
| Mark | Matthew | Luke | John |