Tree of knowledge of good and evil
Gen 2:17
Which of these were specifically not allowed to partake of the passover?
| Levites | Women | Uncircumcised slave | Children under the age of 13 |
What were people not allowed to eat after the flood?
| Blood | Herbs | Fat | Meat |
What did Jonathan eat, despite Saul telling his troops that they were not to eat it until they were victorious?
| Lamb | Honeycomb | Milk | Bread |
Which man was allowed to ride in Pharaoh's second chariot?
Which animal that lives in the water was specifically mentioned in the creation process?
| Octopus | Jellyfish | Shark | Whale |
What specifically did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on?
| Elephant | Donkey | Colt | Camel |
What did God specifically command concerning the thanksgiving offering that the Israelites made?
| The animal must be without defect | It must consist of two turtledoves or pigeons | No yeast must come into contact with the offering | They must eat it on the day it is offered. |
On which occasion in the Bible does it specifically say that believers sung a hymn?
| Moses when he had seen the glory of God | Paul and his followers in the house of Lydia | Jesus and the disciples celebrating Passover | David when King Saul asked for him to play music |
Why wasn't David allowed to build God's house?
| Because he didn't have enough money | Because he wasn't a builder | Because he was a man of war | Because of his sin with Bathsheba |
What happened to the prophet from Judah who was led to disobey God when a prophet from Bethel lied to him saying he was allowed to come back and share a meal with him?
| Killed by a lion | Crushed by a falling oak tree | Struck by lightning | Attacked and killed by a robber |