A fool
Ecc 2:14
In the Bible or Not? : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
| Not | Bible |
Who said that he saw a vision from the Almighty God and fell into a trance but had his eyes open?
| Paul | Elisha | Moses | Balaam |
Which Parable is this from? : For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.'
| Vineyard workers | Unclean spirit | Rich fool | Children in market |
Complete the quote: "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his ___"
| Tens of thousands | Hundreds | Hundreds of thousands | Millions |
When God sends the darkness of night, what prowl around according to Psalm 104?
| Thieves | Evil spirits | Forest animals | Wolves |
Proverbs says that anyone who scorns his parents will have his eyes picked out by which type of bird?
| Vultures | Ravens | Sparrows | Eagles |
What has Christ redeemed believers from, according to Paul's letter to the Galatians?
| The curse of the law | Ignorance | Political oppression | Disease |
The book of Isaiah follows on after Ecclesiastes
| True | False |
Who prayed, "I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see?"
| Ananias | Jesus | Elijah | Elisha |