1 Sam 3:6
When Samuel was called by the Lord as a child, who did he think was calling?
| Moses | Eli | Hannah | The Lord |
Which of the following was a way that Jacob fooled Isaac into thinking that he was Esau?
| Made his father drunk | Put on sheep skins | Imitated Esau's voice | Wore Esau's garments |
Which city did Jonah try to run to instead of going to Nineveh as God had commanded?
| Babylon | Tarshish | Damascus | Jerusalem |
What did the people demand from Samuel?
| Lower taxes | More Psalms to be written | A king | A better army |
Who did Samuel anoint as the first King of Israel?
| Jonathan | Saul | Joshua | David |
King, Prophet or Apostle? : Samuel
| Prophet | King | Apostle |
What animals did Jesus cause to run into the sea and drown?
| Camels | Pigs | Sheep | Oxen |
After the prophets of Baal were killed, to where did Elijah run to escape the death threat from Jezebel?
| Shiloh | Hebron | Megiddo | Beersheba |