A famine
When Job's friends arrived, for how long did they sit in silence?
| Six hours | Seven days | One hour | One day |
Who deceived the worshippers of Baal into attending sacrifices only to destroy them all once they had arrived?
| Jehu | Elisha | Josiah | Jeremiah |
Once the Israelites had entered the Promised Land, what happened in the days after they had celebrated the Passover?
| The River Jordan began to flow again | The Amorites attacked them | God stopped providing manna | Joshua apportioned land to each tribe |
After sending messages from Kadesh, the king of which land refused the Israelites passage to the Promised Land?
| Sihon | Bashan | Ammon | Edom |
Jacob's and Esau's families separated from each other as they had become too big for the land to support them?
| False | True |
Who lied about the price they received for a piece of land and died as a result?
| Ananias & Sapphira | Joseph & Mary | Lazarus | Eutychus |