Cut off Goliath's head
1 Sam 17:51 - The Philistines would not have known Goliath was dead so cutting off his head demonstrated to them that their champion was dead ? this would have been the moment that Goliath was "killed" to distant observers even though v50 tells us he was already dead.
Where did David place Goliath's armour after the battle?
| In his tent | In Saul's palace | Under an oak tree | In the temple |
To what animal does Goliath liken himself which David is "coming after with sticks"?
| Ox | Rat | Dog | Pig |
Who said "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"?
| Jesus | Joshua | Samuel | David |
On which side of the Garden of Eden did God place the cherubim and the flaming sword?
| South | West | North | East |
Whose ear was cut off with a sword at the arrest of Jesus?
| Judas Iscariot | Servant of the High Priest | Mark | Peter |
Which overweight king of Moab was killed when a sword was thrust into his belly?
| Eglon | Jabin | Merom | Jobab |
How did David defeat Goliath?
| He threw a spear at him | He threw a burning torch at him | He won a sword fight | He threw a stone from his sling |
What animals that David protected his flocks from did he consider as the experience needed to fight Goliath?
| Lions and Bears | Wolves and Lions | Foxes and Bears | Lions and Foxes |
Other than his shepherd's pouch, sling and stones what else did David take with him to face Goliath?
| Sword | Bow & Arrows | Shepherd's Staff | Spear |