Beautiful gate
Jesus healed the lame man at the temple's Beautiful Gate
| True | False |
After Peter's address at the temple following the healing of the lame man, approximately how many men became believers?
| 700 | 1500 | 5000 | 3000 |
What did Peter and John heal the man of at the temple gate called Beautiful?
| Blindness | Lameness | Unclean spirits | Dumbness |
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
| Joel | Haggai | Amos | Obadiah |
The Jews in which city were described as receiving the word with all readiness of mind and searching the scriptures daily?
| Neapolis | Berea | Apollonia | Troas |
Fill in the missing word(s) : Give us this day our daily _____
The legs of the lame hanging limp are the equivalent of what in the mouth of fools?
| Message | Secret | Parable | Gossip |
What is the next line of the Lord's prayer after "Give us this day our daily bread..." ?
| Hallowed be thy name | Thy will be done on earth as in heaven | And forgive us our debts | And lead us not into temptation |
Which is the gate that leads to life?
| Broad gate | Narrow gate | Small gate | Golden gate |