What was the name of the paralysed man, bed-ridden for eight years, that Peter healed?
| Archippus | Antipas | Aretas | Aeneas |
Fill in the missing number : Aeneas was bedridden for ____ years before Peter came and healed him.
How many years had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering with her problem, before Jesus healed her?
| 16 years | 4 years | 8 years | 12 years |
At Capernaum, how did the man sick of the palsy gain access to the house in which Jesus was?
| Window | Roof | Back door | Chimney |
What was the name of the man who was paralysed and had been bedridden for eight years?
| Ananias | Agabus | Aeneas | Achaicus |
Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign over Judah
| False | True |
What did Michal place in David's bed to trick Saul's messengers into believing David was ill?
| A pig | Sacks of potatoes | Feathers | An idol |
How many stones did the Israelites take from the dry river bed of the Jordan?
| 40 | 153 | 7 | 12 |
What did Job’s wife suggest he do in his suffering?
| Abandon his faith | Seek help from friends | Pray for healing | Curse God and die |