Gen 28:11-12 - People were quite used to sleeping on the ground in those days.
What did Jacob see in a dream reaching up to heaven?
| Cloud | Tree | Ladder | Statue |
In his dream, Jacob saw eagles going up and down a ladder?
| True | False |
Where did Jonah go after reaching dry land?
| Jerusalem | Nineveh | Joppa | Damascus |
Which king had a feast using the gold and silver vessels from the temple in Jerusalem?
| Cyrus | Darius | Nebuchadnezzar | Belshazzar |
In John Chapter 9, Jesus healed a blind man using what method?
| He said, "you are healed." | He made clay using dust and spit, which he placed on the man's eyes | He rubbed his head | He healed him from a long distance |
What was Esau doing while Jacob stole his blessing?
| Fetching water | Putting up tents | Harvesting crops | Hunting |
Which brother did Joseph imprison while the others returned to Jacob?
| Judah | Reuben | Simeon | Asher |
During Jacob's struggle with the angel, the hollow of which part of Jacob's body was touched and put out of joint?
| Shoulder | Thigh | Knee | Ankle |