Jer 9:1; Jer 49:33; Jer 51:37 - Others include Edom (Isa 34)
Which city is mentioned as one of the principal cities of Nimrod's kingdom?
| Nineveh | Sidon | Tyre | Uruk |
Can you name one of the cities mentioned in Jude?
Which of these cities was not part of Nimrod's kingdom?
| Babel | Erech | Haran | Accad |
Which of these cities was not a city of refuge?
| Kedesh | Golan | Jericho | Hebron |
Which nation does Jeremiah say is dwelling in Gad?
| Ammon | Moab | Edom | Bashan |
Who "wailed like the dragons" and "mourned like the owls" in his lament of the coming judgement on Israel and Judah?
| Micah | Joel | Hosea | Malachi |
Who said "I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls"?
| Job | Ishmael | Jeremiah | Elisha |