The wood
Where did God send Abraham to sacrifice his special son?
| Moriah | Paran | Salem | Beersheba |
Abraham's wife bore a special son, what was his name?
| Isaac | Jacob | Israel | Esau |
What was the name of the woman who married Abraham's special son?
| Ruth | Rebekah | Keturah | Rachel |
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to him on Mount Moriah?
| A ram | His only son | His wife | A turtledove |
Which book of the Bible begins with The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.?
| Genesis | Luke | Revelation | Matthew |
What did Samson carry to the top of the hill overlooking Hebron?
| Statue of a false god | City gates | Water pots | The bodies of 10 dead Philistines |
A man named Stephen of Cyrene was ordered to help carry the cross of Jesus?
| True | False |
Joseph's special gold cup was placed in Benjamin's sack?
| True | False |
What was special about the harvest in the Sabbatical year?
| There wasn't one | It was two months early | It produced double | Only one type of crop was sown and harvested |
1,000 people died in a fire at which tower after Abimelech told his men to each cut down a branch and carry it on their shoulders?
| Lebanon | Hananel | Penuel | Shechem |